Are we in being state?

People are called human being. But due to modernisation, invention of science and technologies we can question, are we living in the being state or present moment?

About the living in the present moment, the practices of rituals are seen more sophisticated and ritualistic in easter or south Asia where disciple of buddha or monk of Buddhist religion practices long hours daily from the morning 4 am.

Now, I am sharing 5 principles of Buddhism to be happy, peace and joyous life and path of enlightenment  which is called Pancha Sila -Five Principle or Discipline’ which are abstain from killing living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication.

These are very basic principles but very practical and anyone can practices to have peace, happy and successful life and which is non religion principle so that any religion, any profession can practice.

Without commitment, discipline, integrity it won’t be achievable.

Best wishes to all for your peace, happy, prosperous, and successful life.